Black Star Aikido is proud of being an Independant Dojo allowing us the freedom to research and develop Aikido. We pride ourselves in having strong links and associations with other Aikido Groups.
Black Star Aikido offers an opportunity to study the traditional aspects of Aikido whilst placing emphasis on developing good martial art skills that are taught in a safe & structured manner.
Physical fitness, alertness, confidence, competence & capability to utilise the martial skills are key issues. These are addressed by Black Star Aikido’s unique training package.
From the very outset of training the new student will practice with bokken (wooden sword) and Jo (wooden staff) to understand the relationship between the use of these weapons and empty hands, being fundamental in the study of Aikido.
BLACK STAR AIKIDO acknowledges its obligation to inform its students about the legal implications in their use of Aikido techniques for self-defence, by providing information / education in ‘the use of reasonable force’ and the correct use of these skills for self-defence given the appropriate circumstances. All the relevant acts of British Law, Human Rights Act, The European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR) are taught.
Black Star Aikido is pleased to offer a wide range of Courses and Seminars covering all aspects of Aikido training and development, from Aikido Basics to Advanced Black Belt Seminars.
We look forward to seeing you soon,